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         For all lenses, the smallest aperture number—1.4, 2, 2.8, or 4, depending on the lens—reflects the widest opening and will always admit the greatest amount of light.          Whenever you set a lens at its smallest numbered aperture (or f-st
  source    Distance to subject (chosen by photographer) has  an effect on perspective and on  depth of field  (depth of focal sharpness proximal and distal to the focal plane) for a given aperture.
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       The f-stop, which is also known as the f-number, is the ratio of the lens focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil.        ***  An  f/1.0  lens has a very large  aperture diameter , equal to its  focal length,  an f/2.0 lens has an
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   source       excerpt:         In photography parlance, f/stop always means the aperture or lens opening.  However, for lack of a current commonly used word for one exposure increment, the term stop is often used. In the past, EV (Exposure Value) s
   extensive glossary / explanation of photographic terms
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