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   link to article     excerpt:    Lynn Margulis's great insight was that, in the early history of life on earth, some 3.5 billion years ago, when the only living forms were single-cell creatures without complex internal structures, evolutionary succ
   book info  -  c. 2023
   link to webpage         “We are studying the molecular basis and evolution of life-cycle transitions in the flagellated green soil alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.  We have cloned genes in the mating-type (MT) locus and genes regulated by MT that
    De Rerum Natura       … c. 55 BC …  On the Nature of Things   …       Lucretius        Ancient Atomism - Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius  ... indivisible particles and empty space
    The Assayer   -  Galileo Galilei     -  1623  -  full text       …   about Galileo     -   Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy       … from  The Swerve :         “Faith must take first place among all the other laws of philosophy,” declared a Jes
    Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems      -   Galileo Galilei  -  1632 -  full text      … from  The Swerve :         On August 1, 1632, the Society of Jesus strictly prohibited and condemned the doctrine of atoms.  That prohibition in
   link to Leeuwenhoek website
    How We Know the Earth is Ancient      -  PBS Space Time  -  14 min. video  -  4/19/20
  marrow of Basilosaurus vertebral body     Apologia Scientiae et Fides in Deo
   full text
             Le cœur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît point.  On le sent en mille choses.  C’est le cœur qui sent Dieu, et non la raison. Voilà ce que c’est que la foi parfaite, Dieu sensible au cœur.             The heart has its reasons
   book info     excerpt:         Something happened in the Renaissance, something that surged up against the constraints that centuries had constructed around curiosity, desire, individuality, sustained attention to the material world, the claims of
   link to full text       excerpt:    "The best thing for being sad," replied Merlyn, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at
   Buried by the Ash of Vesuvius, These Scrolls Are Being Read for the First Time in Millennia      -    Smithsonian  Magazine   -   2018
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    Extensive notes  from courses taught at University of Washington in Seattle  - website
   full article          “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”          Now let’s look at how Einstein articulated all of this in the famous paper that the Annalen der Physik received on June 30, 1905. For all its momentous import, it may be one
   link to video
  excerpt:      The earliest decades of the 20th century were exciting times for science. It was an age when many brilliant thinkers from around the world stepped up with some groundbreaking ideas and theories that would forever change our understand
  excerpt:     Second from the left on the front row sits Max Planck, one more brilliant theoretical physicist, German by nationality, who had claimed his Nobel Prize in 1919 after making the critical discovery of energy quanta. The Max Planck societ
     Einstein’s Quantum Riddle  -   NOVA      -  2019  -  60 min. video   …  re:  Quantum Entanglement
   full text     -  1935
   full text     -  1964
   full text
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    The Secrets of Quantum Physics  -  Einstein’s Nightmare      -  Jim Al-Kahlili  -  2014  -  video
  Albert Einstein         Certainly no one in 1879 in Ulm, Germany, could have guessed that one of their own born that year would someday receive global praise for his undisputed genius, meriting recently the coveted title “person of the century” (Ti
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   The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett     -   Scientific American   -  2008
   The Many-Worlds Theory, Explained     -    The MIT Press Reader   -      5/20/20       The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics: psychological versus physical bases for the multiplicity of “worlds”.     -  Howard Barnum  -  Los Alamos
   full text     -  2019       excerpts:       Quantum mechanics is one of the most successful physical theories to date.     Not only has it been confirmed through a wide range of observations and experiments, but it also has led to technological ad
   full text     -  2020
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   book info     excerpt:         “ There was a moment when the grammar of the world seemed clear: at the root of the variegated forms of reality, just particles of matter guided by a few forces. Humankind could think that it had raised the Veil of M
   website /  Home page of Carlo Rovelli
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   full article     -   Scientific American   -  2011   …   interview with Leonard Susskind      excerpts:         Every physicist must have some sense that there are objective things in the world and that it’s our job to go and find out what those o
   link to 10 min. video     -  website
   video     -  50 min.  - via CuriosityStream     video     -  50 min.  - via Amazon Prime     video     -  50 min.  -  via
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   click here to expand  -  full chart
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   full text     -  2019
  See:      *audubon*      page
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