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   DNA website     -   Cold Spring Harbor Lab
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    A Life Decoded  -   My Genome:  My Life        excerpts:     DNA neither cares nor knows.  DNA just is.  And we dance to its music.  —Richard Dawkins      DNA provides the music.  Our cells and the environment provide the orchestra . —J. Craig Ve
   link to 1hr.+ interview         J. Craig Venter, PhD is regarded as one of the leading scientists of the 21st century for his numerous invaluable contributions to genomic research. Dr. Venter is founder, chairman, and CEO of the J. Craig Venter In
   link to webpage and explanatory video
   detailed explanation
   link to 56 min. video
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   link to 45 min. video
   detailed explanation
   full article  -   Science      -  June 21, 1991
   full text     -  1995
   JCVI - J. Craig Venter Institute     -  website
   full text     -  1996
   full text     -  1997
    Science   -  In Their Own Words     -   Feb. 16, 2001
   Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome     -   Nature   -  2001
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   The Sequence of the Human Genome     -   Science   -  2001
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   full text     -  2007
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   full text     -  2008
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   full article with video interviews     -  2014
   full article
   full article
   book info       excerpts:    Problems with genetic determinism:           Genes are coded as DNA sequences. It is these sequences that are replicated and passed on to future generations. So biologists also call genes replicators. Gene determinism
   Cold Spring Harbor Lab website
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   book info     excerpt:          When the scientific voyages of Sorcerer II commenced in 2003, microbiologists had cultured fewer than two percent of the bacteria thought at the time to exist in nature, including those that live in the oceans and w
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  link to website
   link to website
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