Each image on an  imagessays.com  index page has a single associated word, giving a hint to the essay subject on that webpage.

     Clicking on any image on an  imagessays.com  index page opens a webpage, which most often contains an illustrated 1,000 word  ***essay***  and an  image collection  and a list of  external links , offering more in-depth discussion of the topic. 


     *** The layout and organization of  imagessays.com  is a bit  *tangential by design* , leading the visitor to an exploration of related subjects, informing in an unexpected manner,  and thus expanding the knowledge base of the viewer. ***



     Images (photographs) are intended to appeal to the viewer's aesthetic sense.  

     External links are chosen to provide selected material that is nicely formatted for online viewing.



    * If you wish to choose specific images or essays in a more structured manner, click on  "list of images"  or  "list of essays" ,  and make selections for viewing.


