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   Homer,  Odyssey  rhapsody 01      -  audio  -   excellent aesthetics, in Greek
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   link to excellent 18-min. review of the history of Greece
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   ****seeing****    - primal page of
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   link to page  -  quick review of many grammatical items
   link to website
   full text     -  online         No other language has a legacy comparable to Greek.           People come to Greek for Homer (8th century BCE), philosophy (starting in the 6th century BCE), the stunning achievements of the Classical Period (5th an
   book info
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   link     -   extensive collection of essays on Homeric Greek, linguistics, learning Latin and Greek, study of the Classics, and more  …   by Professor William Harris, Middlebury College.         … from    his brief bio   :         After doing the
   link to a number of brief audio interviews with Stanley Lombardo
   book info          A Reading Course in Homeric Greek, Book One, Third Edition is a revised edition of the well respected text by Frs. Schoder and Horrigan.          This text provides an introduction to Ancient Greek language as found in the Greek
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   book info     -  excellent instructional website with interactive audio
   full text
   full text
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  link to    Ancient Greek in Action videos     link to
   link to website     link to    John Schwandt page
   link to full text (Internet Archive)
   link to website
   link to full document
   link to core vocabulary list
   link to website
     full bio      link to Dr. James Voelz’s offerings on Concordia Seminary. website
   book info
   link to “pronunciation helps” for all 42 chapters
   link to 300 brief video podcasts by Dr. James Voelz     Media from Elementary Greek, EN-093, as taught by Dr. James Voelz at Concordia Seminary during the Summer of 2004.    Clips are listed in the order they were covered in class.
   online Greek / English New Testament - interlinear text
   online Greek New Testament text
   online Greek New Testament audio
   link to source:   De Profundis
   link to website
   Ioannis Stratakis     -  Greek audio performances / high aesthetic quality    -  website of Ioannis Stratakis:         “ Apart from my involvement with the ancient Greek language, I enjoy playing the viola with the friends of the Greek National Radi
   podcast          Join hosts Dr. David Noe and Dr. Jeff Winkle for a lively discussion of Greco-Roman civilization stretching from the Minoans and Mycenaeans, through the Renaissance, and right down to the present.
   full text     -  as pdf
   video:  preview of Module I      -  26 min .
   link to website
   book info    © 2019     excerpts:      Invocation   (introduction)          Sing in me, O Muse, of all things Greek that excite the imagination and delight the senses and magnify the lives of mortals, things that have survived three thousand years
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    Persians      -  Aeschylus  -  472 BC  -  full text            Persian armies launched two famous invasions against the Greek main-land.  The first (in 490 BC) was sponsored by Darius, king of Persia. It ended at the Battle of Marathon close to A
   link to full text   :  Greek with English translation
   link to website
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   link to 45 min. video
   excellent video performance and discussion of  Prometheus Bound
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