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   next-door neighbor, New Orleans             “ …  while the Rosenblats provided a loving household, their children say they knew something was different about the family. "I wondered why I didn't have as many cousins and aunts as my friends, and I
   next-door neighbor, New Orleans
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   full article    excerpt:       The biggest worry racing through the minds of ADL leaders [in 1960] was the reaction of the city's New Americans, as local Holocaust survivors were known. Members of the executive committee were all too familiar with
   source     -  2022 Master’s thesis  -  University of New Orleans
   source     -  2022 Master’s thesis  -  University of New Orleans
       Jews first settled in Ivansk in the 17th century and by the 1930s approximately 3,000 lived in the shtetl, constituting about two-thirds of the population.          No Jews live in Ivansk anymore: in October 1942 about 1,800 were deported to t
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  See:     *** 6 million (displayed as 10,000 per page) ->  600 pages ***     …  6,000,000
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   75 Years After Auschwitz Liberation, Worry That ‘Never Again’ Is Not Assured     -   NYT   -  1/25/20
  Max Steinmetz         Between 1942 and 1945, from the time he was seventeen until he was twenty, Max Steinmetz was held in German captivity in at least five ghettos or camps.         His first ghetto imprisonment was an abandoned brick factory. Jew
   Riva Schuster Hirsch    - brief bio -  BHEC      Riva Schuster Hirsch   It was 1941 when the Germans occupied seven-year-old Riva Schuster’s village. Forewarned by a gentile friend of approaching danger, Riva’s parents fled with their children thr
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   link to 3 min. video
    PBS  documentary     -  premiered 9/18/22
   Arno Motulsky, a Founder of Medical Genetics      -  NYT - 2018  …  mentor to Joseph Goldstein, who shared 1985 Nobel Prize for defining the regulation of cholesterol metabolism  …   passenger on the     Voyage of the St. Louis      -  May, 1
   video     -  2 min.  -  1/27/21         Wolf Blitzer was born in Augsburg, Germany in 1948, during post-World War II Allied occupation, the son of Cesia Blitzer (née Zylberfuden), a homemaker, and David Blitzer, a home builder.            His pare
   video     -  3 min.
         [Dr. Ruth] Westheimer was born Karola Ruth Siegel to an Orthodox Jewish couple in the German town of Wiesenfeld.         She was 10 years old when she was put on a train to Switzerland, part of the Kindertransport of Jewish children seeking
   Interview with Josiah E. DuBois, Jr.     -  brief video
 NOVEMBER 8, 2018 AT 5:00PM  Robert H Jackson Center305 E. Fourth St Jamestown, NY 14701
   Belarus Building Site Yields the Bones of 1,214 Holocaust Victims     -   New York Times   -  April 28, 2019
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    The Funeral, Ivansk, October, 1942     - video
   full article       excerpt:         “Spring was very difficult, because I always loved my garden,” Mrs. Klein said in “One Survivor Remembers.”  “And the sign appeared that dogs and Jews were not permitted to enter.”         Her father, already in
   link to 40 min. documentary film           One Survivor Remembers  is Gerda Weissmann's account of surviving the Holocaust. This film was produced in 1995 by HBO and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
   book info     excerpts:    Introduction          For me, as for millions of others on this small globe, the decade 1930–1940, with which these memoirs deal, was a time of growing upheaval.  My work as an American foreign correspondent in Europe an
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   book info          This powerful book tells the story of Anne Skorecki Levy, a Holocaust survivor who transformed the horrors of her childhood into a passionate mission to defeat the political menace of reputed neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan leader Dav
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   book info     Publication date ‏ : ‎ June 6, 2023        “Hannah Elisabeth "Hanneli" Pick-Goslar (born 12 November 1928) is a former nurse best known for her close friendship with diarist Anne Frank. She is referred to as ‘Lies Goosens’ in Anne Fr
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   link to lengthy interview     What were your feelings about the Franks going into hiding?         I was glad that Otto Frank decided to go into hiding, because I was extremely concerned about him and his family, seeing what was happening to the Je
   “It Can’t Happen Here”:  Americans and the Holocaust     -  illustrated essay  by Daniel Greene  -  Northwestern University  -   7/2/19      excerpt:         Despite the steady flow of information into the United States about the desperate plight
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   TIME, Inc.  Newsreel  -   1938     -  15 min. video
    Death Mills   (  Die Todesmühlen  )  - 1945 American film produced by the United States Department of War.
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   link to video     -   60 Minutes   -  2017
   link to video     -  interview on 11/19/2020
   link here          Growing up in Buffalo, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer always knew he was the child of Holocaust survivors.  His parents, both Polish Jews, told him often about their experiences surviving the concentration camps.          “I knew many
   book info     -  c. 2009    …  regarding the author:     Gus Schonfeld was the Samuel E. Schechter Professor and former head of the Department of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri.            Gus was born
  -  E. O. Wilson:      full article here
       Jews settled in Starachowice and Wierzbnik in the 18th century. The two towns merged in 1939. The population of 24,500 residents consisted of 13,880 Jews. Polish-Jewish relations were good-neighbourly and local Poles did not take part in the b
   link to full text          Starachowice and Wierzbnik were merged in 1939.         On September 9, 1939, the city was occupied by the Germans. In February 1941, they established a ghetto in Wierzbnik, to which Jews from various towns were sent. Th
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