Fueling the Hummingbird’s Extreme Biology    -  Johns Hopkins Medicine  - 2018    excerpt:     Fueling the Hummingbird’s Extreme Biology      Hummingbirds burn massive amount of energy each day in order to sustain their rapid wingbeat of up to 60-
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   website          The human genome is made up of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), a long, winding molecule that contains the instructions needed to build and maintain cells. These instructions are spelled out in the form of "base pairs" of four differe
   “Hummingbird”     -  5 min. audio
Hummingbirds on feeder - 8:8:21.jpg
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   video     -  4 min.
   “Summer Breeze”     -  3 min. audio
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   source             Ruby-throated hummingbirds make a direct flight over the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of nearly 500 miles.  They fly non-stop at a speed of 27 miles per hour for over 18 hours.
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