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   click here for link to pdf slideshow
          In the sixteenth century, anatomists began to describe the forms and structures of the human body with increasing precision.          The best-known anatomist of all was the Flemish scientist Andreas Vesalius, a professor at Padua Universit
  (published in 1543)          “ He might draw the human abdomen visualized from the bottom up,      like the fifteenth-century Italian painter Andrea Mantegna’s perspective of Christ’s body in  The Lamentation of Christ,  and cut the picture into sl
De Humani Corporis Fabrica  -  Chapter 1, page 1.JPG
De Humani Corporis Fabrica  -  Cor.JPG
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         In his earth-shaking publication in 1628,  De Motu Cordis , Harvey stated:          “It has been shown by reason and experiment that by the beat of the ventricles blood flows through the lungs and it is pumped to the whole body.  There it pa
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    The Helical Heart      -  40 min. video     re:  Dr. Cecil Coghlan
   video - 30 min.
    The Helix and the Heart      -  Buckberg  -  50 min. video           Gerald Buckberg (September 29, 1935 – September 20, 2018) was an American surgeon. His research initially centered in the area of myocardial protection and led to the introducti
Excerpt from Introduction to Journey into the Heart..PNG
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  See:     Paul Dudley White brief bio     See:      My Life and Medicine -  an autobiographical memoir     - 1971    See:      Take heart - the life and prescription for living of  Dr. Paul Dudley White      -   biography  1986
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   Exercise more. Eat healthy.       Learn your family’s medical history.       These were the tenets  Paul Dudley White  brought with him when he started the first-of-its-kind cardiology unit at Massachusetts General Hospital in  1916 .     source
 (Re: Chicago Cubs reference:  Cubs won the 2016 World Series. )
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 … from  1937  yearbook of  New York Medical College ,      Fleuroscope
Clara Bray wedding annnouncement  -  NYT  -  July 3, 1938.jpg
  (letter from Walter B. Cannon …  see     *physiology*   )
John Burrett to Walter B. Cannon letter -  2:7:1939.jpg
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    1903 - 1961    (58)    Dr. Joseph M. Donald practiced in Wilcox County, south of Birmingham. His father and grandfather were physicians and he was well known socially and medically. He attended the University of Alabama and received a Bachelor of
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  1897 - 1950   (53)    Roy Rachford Kracke (born 1897 in Hartselle, Morgan County; died June 27, 1950 in Sylacauga) was the first dean of the Medical College of Alabama, which eventually became the University of Alabama at Birmingham.    Kracke bega
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         Born in Talladega, Alabama, on March 18, 1900, Tinsley was the son of Groce Harrison, a sixth-generation physician. The family moved to Birmingham, Alabama, in 1906, where a precocious Tinsley was able to advance three grades and graduate fr
          When Tinsley returned home to Birmingham for the Christmas holiday [1918], he had several long and serious conversations with his father. He was happy at Michigan; it was a good school. He was doing well, and it was certain that he would ob
         When Tinsley Harrison entered Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1919 as a sophomore transfer student from the University of Michigan, one of the first people he met was a classmate, Alfred Blalock. They met on the tennis courts of Baltimore an
   link to full text
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   continue reading  -  link to full text
Failure of the Circulation - title page.JPG
Failure of the Circulation by Tinsley Harrison - review.JPG
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50 Years of Cardiology in Alabama article p. 2 - new.jpg
John Burrett to Paul Dudley White letter -  12:1:1960.jpg
Tinsley Harrison to Paul Dudley White letter -  1:30:1961.jpg
John Burrett to Paul Dudley White Letter -  6:10:1961.jpg
   full article
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   1st ed.  2017 - order info
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   full article here
  excerpt from     And So It Goes:  A Medical Journey   -  2022
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    Re:  Joseph Lister (1827 - 1912)  -  British surgeon         “ The medical application of germ theory was transformative.  In Glasgow, Scotland, in 1864, just a few years after Louis Pasteur had completed his experiments on putrefaction (and more
   Alabama Liberal:  Lister Hill     -   The Knoxville Focus   -  2018
  LISTER HILL, LONGTIME SENATOR FROM ALABAMA      By Peter Kerr  Dec. 22, 1984       Lister Hill, a United States Senator from Alabama for three decades who sponsored some of most important health and education legislation in the years after World Wa
  Historical tangent:     Dr. Luther Leonidas Terry, U.S. Surgeon General, 1961 - 1965           Luther Leonidas  Terry , M.D., from Red Level, Alabama,  was assistant director of the National Heart Institute and namesake of Dr. Luther Leonidas
    Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health      -  1964  -  Dr. Luther Leonidas Terry    Another historical tangent (also from Alabama):       Dr. Regina Benjamin, U.S. Surgeon General,  2009 - 2013    … and:    here
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   Vivien T. Thomas, who was born in New Iberia, La., and raised in Nashville, Tenn., had hoped one day to become a surgeon. A bank failure during the early days of the Great Depression wiped away his medical-school savings and nearly his dream.The s
Al Blalock at Vanderbilt.JPG
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    Helen Brooke Taussig was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on May 24, 1898. On her father’s side she came from a distinguished St. Louis, Missouri, family. Taussig’s father, Frank William Taussig, held the Henry Lee chair in economics at Harvard
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    The incidence of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is slightly <1% of all live births.  Since the first  Blalock-Taussig-Thomas shunt  was placed in 1944, ongoing advances now allow for  >90%  of those born with CHD to survive into adulthood.
   link to film on HBOmax
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   full article     excerpt:         Cardiac development begins during early gastrulation when cells in the lateral precardiac mesoderm migrate to form the cardiac crescent.  Initially, cardiac precursor cells form a thin walled, linear heart tube ly
  “Be Careful, It’s My Heart”       -   video clip   -   Holiday Inn   -  1942
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Blalock and Taussig article - JAMA  - May 19, 1945,.JPG
 A few years earlier, on  November 29, 1944,  the OR scene was similar:        “ The patient, Eileen Saxon, a 2-year-old intensely cyanotic and frail child, was chosen as the first patient for trial of a new and untested treatment for a congenital an
   (source)  …  Denton Cooley writes:          “After graduation from Hopkins School of Medicine, I received a personal invitation to join the surgical house staff as an intern.  Having graduated on August 18, 1944, I joined the staff immediately for
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   review of  Partners of the Heart       -   National Endowment for the Humanities
Evolution of Surgical Treatment for TOF - from Moss and Adams' Heart Disease - 8th ed. pp. 978-979.JPG
   Michael DeBakey   -   Leading Medicine      -  Methodist Hospital  -  2003         “DeBakey continued doing surgery until he was 90, and estimated that during the course of his career, he had performed over 60,000 operations and trained several th
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   Michael Ellis DeBakey  -  Colonel, United States Army  -   Pioneering American Surgeon     -   Arlington National Cemetery   website
   Richard J. Bing (1909 - 2010)  -  Interview in June 1998     -  Caltech oral history project  -  transcript pdf
    ^ from     USC News     - 2010 ^      “Dr. Bing, who earned his medical degree in Germany but emigrated soon after Hitler rose to power, did groundbreaking research on the physiology of the heart and kidneys for more than half a century. Dr. Bing
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   full article
   full article
   .      Benjamin Champneys Lyons was born in Lancaster, Pa, on May 21, 1907, and would always be known as ‘‘Champ.’’ When he was 3, his parents divorced, and his mother remarried Joseph Henry Lyons of Mobile, AL, in 1911. The family moved to Mobile
   … meanwhile, a few months earlier, in Dresden     -  Andreas Gruentzig, child     … Kurt Vonnegut explains    -   NPR  audio interview with author of   Slaughterhouse Five   -  2003       Kurt Vonnegut obit  -  ‘So it goes.’     -  4/14/07
   link to full article     excerpts:            ON NOVEMBER 28, 1942, during a Thanksgiving weekend dinner party at a colleague’s home, a phone call abruptly summoned Champ Lyons, M.D. ’31, a surgeon who specialized in treating bacterial infections,
   full article here
  Champ Lyons: An Incomplete Life   -  Annals of Surgery  - 2003       Champ Lyons - Brief life of an innovative surgeon: 1907-1965    -  Harvard Magazine  - 2016     Champ Lyons, MD - The Ochsner Years: 1945 - 1950    -  The Ochsner Journal  - 2009
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   link to download Heartpedia mobile app
  John Gibbon at Jefferson Medical College  in Philadelphia
   .         The Annals of Thoracic Surgery     - 1982     John Gibbon performed the world’s first successful open-heart surgery using extracorporeal oxygenation on May 6, 1953 - at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. This event, the culminati
   John Kirklin at Mayo Clinic    -  Mayo Clinic Proceedings  - 2005    …excerpt:    John W. Kirklin anticipated the dawning era of open heart surgery. In 1952, he assembled a team of experts at the Mayo Clinic to develop a cardiac surgical program f
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   full text
 1955 heart lung machine (‘Mayo-Gibbon bypass machine’)
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   link to full article
   link to article
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  ^ 2009 ^
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    Heart to Heart - An Oral History        -  info      excerpt from  Heart to Heart  - interview with Dr. John Kirklin:
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  ^ excerpt from  Heart to Heart :   interview with Dr. John Kirklin ^
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  ^ upper left: I.M. Pei & John Kirklin - 2005 ^     John W. Kirklin  -  bio  - Profiles in Cardiology
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   Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) - state of the art clinical treatment protocol  -  1957  -  full article      ! nitroglycerin (NTG) !       First routine coronary bypass (CABG):  1967  /  First coronary angioplasty (PTCA):  1977
   full article       excerpt:         Dr. Reeves completed his residency training in internal medicine at Parkland in 1951 and served as a Chief Resident in Medicine under Donald Seldin. Dr Reeves received his fellowship training in cardiology at UA
   Modern approach to the patient with acute myocardial infarction    - Charles E. Rackley, Richard O. Russell, et al.  -  UAB  -  Current Problems in Cardiology  - 1977
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   “Surgeon closing in on 25,000th operation”     -   The Seattle Times   -  9/10/2000     Al Pacifico - CT surgeon @ UAB from 1967 - 2005   :  brief bio / interview with the surgeon
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   Novick Cardiac Alliance     -  website
   full article
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       In 1993 Dr. William Novick created a foundation to care for children with heart disease in the developing world. He had seen the disparities in healthcare provision between children in the developed and developing world and had a vision that e
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   link to 2012 interview with Dr. Navin Nanda     excerpt:         In 1982 or 1983, at a cardiology symposium in New York where I was an invited speaker, I ran into Dr. Gerald Pohost who had just been appointed Chief of Cardiology at the University
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   Heart Blockage – Explained With Pictures     -  from:  MYHEART.NET  website
   Heart Blockage – Explained With Pictures     -  from: MYHEART.NET website
   full text
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       Dr. René Favaloro's pioneering contributions to cardiovascular surgery will be an enduring legacy to his homeland of Argentina and to humanity.    Born on 12 July 1923 in La Plata, capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Dr. Favaloro would de
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         Born in Parsons, Kansas, Watkins was the third of the six children of a college professor who moved the family to Alabama to take a job with Alabama State University. The minister of the family’s church in Montgomery was the Rev. Dr. Ralph D
    Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr. Levi Watkins Jr.      -  6 min. video  -   Johns Hopkins Medicine
   Dr. Selwyn Vickers  -  Dean, UAB School of Medicine  -  honors Dr. Levi Watkins  -  Johns Hopkins Medicine  -  2 min. video
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  Dr. David McGiffin graduated from the University of Queensland Medical School and subsequently interned and trained in General Surgery at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane before going on to train in Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Prince Charles
   excellent video tribute by colleagues and collaborators
  First angioplasty  -  1977  -  Zurich  -  see      *balloon*      page
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   *** "Grand Rounds with Andreas Gruentzig":  5 minute video - Dr. Gruentzig discussing the ideals of coronary angioplasty - filmed in his Emory U. office ***     -  September, 1985
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  First angioplasty @ UAB  -  1982  -  see     *bax*      page
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  1993    Dr. Gary Roubin shows US Senator Howell Heflin and his wife a sample of the Gianturco-Roubin stent used to stabilize the coronary artery dissection that had occurred following his RCA angioplasty at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (instead
  See     *stent*      page
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   Pathogenesis of Hypertension     -   Annals of Internal Medicine   - 2003
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   Pathogenesis of Hypertension    -  Annals of Internal Medicine  - 2003
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    Impella  heart pump - temporary mechanical support for left ventricular cardiac output    - info and video
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   Robotic Cardiac Surgery: State of the Art in 2014 - part I     -  video
   Robotic Cardiac Surgery: State of the Art in 2014 - part II     -  video
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   Scientists grow bullish on pig-to-human transplants    -  Science AAAS  - 2017
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    UNITED THERAPEUTICS  Corporation - pipeline    -> manufacturing organs for transplantation     UAB awarded $19.5 million grant for new xenotransplantation program    -  UAB News  - 2016     This CEO is trying to genetically modify pig organs f
    MIT Technology Review   - 11/1/19 - full article here
    MIT Technology Review   - 11/1/19 - full article here
   Transplanting pig kidneys in humans, 3D organ printing and other futuristic innovations to solve the organ shortage    -  CNBC  Health Tech Matters   - 2019
    MIT Technology Review   - 11/1/19 - full article here
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    UNITED THERAPEUTICS    Corporation  -  pipeline     ->  manufacturing organs for transplantation
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