Capítulo primero.            Que trata de la condición y ejercicio del famoso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha           En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astil
   Miguel de Cervantes  -  bio
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   Battle of Lepanto  -  October 7, 1571            The Battle of Lepanto was a naval engagement that took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Catholic states (comprising Spain and most of Italy) arranged by Pope P
         In his mid-sixties late in his life, Miguel Cervantes—the beloved author of  Don Quixote —wrote the following brief and vivid description of himself and his earlier life, especially about his military service and combative presence at the na
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         Early on 7 October, they sailed toward the Gulf of Patras, where they encountered the Ottoman fleet.  While neither fleet had immediate strategic resources or objectives in the gulf, both chose to engage.  The Ottoman fleet had an express or
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  Segunda parte del Ingenioso Caballero Don Quijote de la Mancha      Capítulo Primero.      De lo que el cura y el barbero pasaron con don Quijote cerca de su enfermedad            Cuenta Cide Hamete Benengeli, en la segunda parte desta historia y t
    Don Quijote , by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - complete text -  en español     -  Project Gutenberg
   book info
   book info       excerpts:    PREFACE      IN THE LONG HISTORY OF EUROPEAN prose fiction few works are to be found that have exercised more influence not only on literature proper but also on manners and customs, or that have enjoyed a more endurin
        Amadís de Gaula  is a landmark work among the  chivalric romances  which were in vogue in sixteenth-century Iberian Peninsula.        See:        Amadis of Gaul   - vol. II     -  Project Gutenberg        …  from  Don Quixote :          Regar
   full text           La Galatea  was Miguel de Cervantes’ first book, published in 1585. Under the guise of pastoral characters, it is an examination of love and contains many allusions to contemporary literary figures. It enjoyed a modest success,
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   book info       excerpts:      First Part of the  Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha        Chapter I            Which describes the condition and profession of the famous gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha              Somewhere in La M
   link to full map    -  Medieval Europe in 1444
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   link to video
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   book info       excerpts:           Something strange happened in the winter of 1605.  At the heart of the world’s most powerful empire, in a time of economic decline and political stagnation, word started spreading about, of all things, a book.
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   link to full series of lecture videos
   book info           The story of Spain's rise to greatness from its humble beginnings as one of the poorest and most marginal of European countries is a remarkable and dramatic one. With the marriage of Ferdinand & Isabella, the final expulsio
   access to full text      -  via Internet Archive
   full text     -  Project Gutenberg
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   link to 2 hr. video
   link to 9 min. video
   full text with images  -  Project Gutenberg
   full text with images  -  Project Gutenberg
   full text with images  -  Project Gutenberg
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